Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA and PIPA: Internet's Greatest Enemies

Censorship - the power in which to censor. This controversial word stands as one of the main antagonists in free speech and language period. To censor is to filter out what one thinks is offensive. If I were to say the word cat to a group of people who like dogs, they would find it offensive and thus censor me (Doesn't make sense I know, but that's just an example).

Currently at this time there are a couple of bills that Congress is trying to pass that would essentially "kill the Internet". SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act) are two bills that were introduced last year to fight against pirates. There was live coverage of Congress pretty much trying to the bills get rushed out so at the time everyone can go on holiday. The arguments for and against this new "phenomenon" were so exaggerated that the debate escalated down to simple playground taunts and "racial slurs" to nerds and geeks.

Now what does this have to do with a common Internet dweller and self proclaimed Rare Game Hunter? Quite a lot actually. Just like everyone else, we search on the information super highway for knowledge, entertainment, and inspiration. The knowledge part is in part of every human mind who seeks answers. Entertainment helps us wind down after a hard days work. Inspiration gives us hope to create and innovate on something that only we as humans can do. As well, I visit certain websites for entertainment such as That Guy With The Glasses, Screwattack, etc. Those are the entertainment element that partially makes the Internet.

However, like all us drifters on this highway of information, we stumble upon websites that give us the freedom to express ourselves that we can't do in reality. Though our opinions are somewhat... "harsh" it's still an opinion. If SOPA and PIPA pass, that "opinion" will be silenced thus making free speech not so free anymore. Most of what makes the Internet is the voice and opinions of users that pour their souls into making the entity in which we have adapted to in the last 17 years. This is similar to what is happening to the Internet in China and to think that the US would be following pursuit that same exact thing is chilling. To bluntly censor the Internet in the US is disgusting.

As of this time and date (1/18/12 at 5:00am PST) many websites are shutting down for a full day to see what it's like if SOPA and PIPA were to pass. Sites such as Wikipedia, Google, and many more like Reddit in which we seek out knowledge are out of commission to simulate what these bills would do to those places. Pretty much SOPA and PIPA would render this Internet in which I pay hard earned money for would be rendered useless. I would be damned if this were to happen.

Now who do you think supports SOPA and PIPA? Major corporations really. They complained to congress because pirates are taking their stuff and making it available to the people. First off Pirates are last year, we have had 4 movies of them, and blaming the people isn't the way to fight against them. We fight pirates with ninjas! It's like a Rule of Honor (in fact it is, #27.). If you want to know my opinion which will eventually get censored if SOPA and PIPA pass, this legislative is bullshit! Who is it that supports these major corporations? The people. We buy your products, your cheap ass piece of shit products that you oversaturate and sell to the least common denominator. Who is it that watches your films and play your games and invest in your company? The people. Who is it that pays for the Internet that is provided by companies like Comcast, AT&T, etc? I don't know who, but I sure as hell am. And it is those corporations who support these bills. This needs to stop and be prevented. And if they were to pass, a lot can change.

There is light amidst this darkness. Petitions galore are being signed right now to prevent the current SOPA and PIPA from passing. Billions of people are fighting back to keep this freedom in which this "Land of The Free" is supposed to be about. I don't normally ask for anything, I would like to ask if you would do a few things for me:

1. Contact your Congressmen that represents your state and tell them about SOPA and PIPA and that they should veto them.

2. Whatever petitions are available (mostly on major search engines) sign them and let your voice be heard.

3. Let your voice be heard no matter how dense the house and congress can be. (The same congress that slurred the nerds and geeks of all shapes and sizes).

4. Call the White House and tell them about SOPA and PIPA. Tell them that it will kill the Internet that we as the people have adapted to in the last decade or so.

5. Go to these sites and sign the petitions available.

7. Desperate measures, use the Ganz technique. Play really really bad music until they give in. It can be as bad as Ke(dollar sign)ha, Justin Beiber, LMFAO, or anything else that can drive them to madness (Yeah, listen to the instrumental part of Sexy and I know It and raise the volume. Soundboarding as I call it.) That is protesting at it's finest.

You are the greatest fighters that I have ever seen and with your actions and voice, we can stop this legislature from happening. Remember, contact your congressmen, protest and you can stop this evil from forming a Twisted evil lock on the Internet and free speech as a whole.

P.S That last sentence was a The 3rd Birthday reference. It's not bad.

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