Friday, April 20, 2012

Ode to Desudes Brigade

There comes a time in every person's life where we say farewell. Where there's a beginning, there will eventually be an end to everything. However, it's the time spent that will be cherished the most. Those precious moments where you shared, laughed, cried, and enjoyed that time together is the memory that will live on.

As I recently heard, one of my go to places, the Desudes Brigade announced that they will be disbanding the site and the 4 del-facto leaders are parting ways. It's rather sad to hear that because they have been my new home since I left the hollowed halls of Anime Academy.

It was during those last 3 years that you have kept me sane as I went through some dark times with guilt, redemption, reflection, to now. Those were happy times and I wished we could have met in person so I may share those con memories. However, it is understandable that we all have our own lives to deal with.

Yeah, real life can be very detrimental sometimes when we pour our hearts into something only for it to end. However, it is with those lives that we have that we shape ourselves into what we truly desire. And besides, should you come back after completing your quest, that is up to you, fate, and when you eventually accomplish whatever you have been seeking.

Professor Otaku, Arkada, JesuOtaku, Vixen, you have my deepest condolences and I'm regretful that this happened. Though we never met in person and I've only worked with 1 or 2 of you as clients, I will continue to serve you as the friendly neighborhood rare game hunter.

Whatever you seek for either yourself or to entertain with for others, you are always welcome to ask Rarefindit for anything you need.

There is also a light in this silver lining: the forums and community. Without them, and the communication that you bring and share, D2 wouldn't be as a family as it would have. It is through everyone on the forums and fan blogs that you brought inspiration to for they wouldn't have accomplished alot without your support. The streams shalt shant be forgotten too as they are also an intricate part of this community. For it is with they who brought and continues to bring joy in some of our (me) boring lives.

Those streams who I mention include and not limited to Spaceman Hardy's Manime Monday who put the word man in tea, Wazaraku's random W Plan, Noahclue's 10 Frame Theater, Itchinader's Late Night Anime, Durga's Sentai Sunday, Sneebs, Sahoni at seldom time, many many more who does stream, and to no less extent, my pathetic attempt at Jrock Jukebox. (I may do it again)

Though the body perishes, the spirit lives on in all of us and those memories will keep us intact, until the dreaded Alzeimer's takes a swing at my brain. Either that or someone in this digital age masters alchemy and makes a revival potion that revives the body but not the soul of the site. (Obscure Koudelka reference ftw).

So to you, Professor Otaku, Arkada, JesuOtaku, Vixen, Malakye, and as well as Hitch who I think is still recovering from that noodle incident involving his balls and some jumper cables, Kagami, Rabbit, and many others... it's been real. Stay Gold y'all


P.S. I am still washing my eyes with chlorine on a daily basis thanks to MC Bigman. It won't never not go unaway unseen. (Edit: That sentence error was on purpose)

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